
dripping literate


sometimes my hands feel like wolverine's after unsheathing the steel claws

This is what they're feeling right now, a kind of very edgy, very metallic pain as I type.

The only redeeming factor to the internet this afternoon is talking to Duck.
Duck said under some random profile one day, he would list "Being Raven's Favourite Toy" under occupational pleasures.
And man, I got all giggly on the inside.
Having missed his radio show last Friday due to being affixed to the toilet bowl, praying to a porcelain Goddess that laughed -- like a bell, might I add --, I seemed to have missed the surprise he had especially for me. Perhaps tempting him to do a make-up surprise would be in order, huh?
Duck is attending Charliecon this year, being hosted at my place in Duluth, and this is exciting. I plan on drinking him under the table (ha), and beating him at Monopoly once and for all. To this, sayeth Duck:

"Well, it's good that some people hold onto their dreams, dear."

Touche, my dear.
I adore the piss out of Duck. It's an understood thing. Kind of like you's and Q.E.D.'s. He kind of adds ones to my zeros. It's kind of inevitable. Joe understands. I'm still a soft idiot in his eyes, today.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire