
the synthesis of Naratriptan


bioavailability index

You may be wondering where in the United States I'm pleasantly hidden. You may also be wondering from where that odd stench is emanating from your dank apartment, but, I digress.

PA fell apart. In lieu of sweeping up the pieces, I absconded to Massachusetts, where I've been gallivanting outrageously with cronies for the past twenty-four hours. Detroit was an interesting experience I'll not indite anywhere for fear things could be held against me legally.

I shall be re-located and set to find work. So far, these plans involve no other, but I'm constantly open for alterations.


Mood fluctuation. Devoid sustenance of my own financial accord and hot-brained. Tired with remnants of a drug haze that hasn't befallen me, thus disconcerted. Concerned about the inspirational status of someone profoundly significant and special to me. Disappointed in my own cumbersome demeanor. Cashing in on apologies.

Distant yearning for companionship, but consistently sinking my incisors into my tongue each time the phrase, "Come with me." sloshes through my head.

Done solitarily and solitarily done, dear readers. Broken down and unyielded excellently. I want my flushed face resting on a wan and beautiful spine, but these things rarely change.

i've always wanted to say that.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire