
the one about Ben


the one where Raven talks about Ben

I've been trying to seduce my friend Ben into setting up a diaryland account, but I think he'd have a problem with the flowers. Upon this supposed seduction, Ben decided to write me a sample diary entry that goes a little something like this:

Got up today and ate nothing....felt ill and gagged a few times. Will probably start drinking no later than eight PM. Expecting call from Raven and possible sexual visit from Angela. I like my silk shirt.

Despite myself, I laughed loudly.

I think everyone in the world should know Ben. He's going to be famous one day. That is if he didn't spend all of his time making me laugh.

Slight Update

Upon Ben reading this entry, he proclaimed: "I WILL BE FAMOUS!"

Just remember I'm going to be your keyboardist, and that's enough to buy you plenty of silk shirts until you piss yourself with glee. You're welcome, fucko.



time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire