
Friday is still too far away


open into tension

I have the flu. I am typing with my fingernails. I keep struggling with my psyche to not bite them. Incessantly clicking on the keyboard, click, click, bite ... shit.

Filled up on drug remnants, Vicks 44, cough drops, Thera Flu and 4 Bayer, I keep seeing moonlight and the roof of that house and the concrete ledges where we balance ourselves against a terrible, November horizon. I didn't wear a jacket this weekend, this is probably where my immune system began shutting off. Lack of sleep adds to this. Lights and heat and sweat and then the harsh, Autumn air while I watch with awe as others smoke.

I think it was worth it, however. Drinks and fingernails and I keep thinking about profiles and hair and my feet falling asleep.

I should go lay down. I just passed out as a mess of snot and drool on my keyboard.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire