
and sleep


i realize this is goodbye

Silence. The heart retracts into the same, profane grounds of iniquity, there are distractions around me but I'm barely aware. Meaningless gestures become vital messages, the lab-rats run around the same maze.

My hormonal levels betray me. In this state it's easy to let venom slide from the tongue. I wonder if your pride will rape your dignity, I wonder if you'll view me in the same psychotic light, I wonder if you'll miss it.

I've always stated there's more to life than this, and I know before me there's a life of constant exploring and creativity. To reach this point, I must sever ties to you, and you know this. I do not wish to portray the same facade, I do not want to play games, I do not want "I'm acting this way because you're acting that way." any longer. We're both guilty of this.

Just let this be, just let this go, no more questions, just lay your head down and sleep.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire