


words, like birds, they know when to come

Indeed, don't we?

Finding work is starting to grate on my nerves; the actual, physical process will start sometime tomorrow. The last couple of days have left me blind and lethargic; this should change shortly.

And I close my eyes.

And I pray.

Yes, I pray.

I am moving in streams of listlessness. I am sure showering would put my existence back into the proper perspective. In the meantime, I am uninspired and yet antsy, as per usual, I would imagine.

I am over-come with something, and it is not new, but it is not old. It comes as a rush of light chords bleeding through an otherwise closed vein of expression.

I am getting older and have done absolutely nothing with these cells.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire