


woke up this morning

Did I ever tell you that I am mob-related? No one seems to remember Pretty Boy Floyd, the bank-robber/gangster way back in the day. Of course, came Pretty Girl Floyd, which is me. He is my 3rd cousin, I think, about six thousand times removed. I do not remember. For some reason, people are really scared of me now that I've mentioned it.

My single days are progressing. Tonight, I am making the same rice, only I am meat-less, so potatoes and carrots will have to suffice on top of it. I am a sucker for carrots. I plan on tucking myself in early with my dinner, my rum, and watch The Shining as I have been meaning to do.

Today I stood by the river next to the house in Lincoln Park and meditated, with my small glass of green tea. This was my Beltaine. Being a solitary Witch is always interesting.

Today, I nearly forgot that I ached for something, and then quickly chose to ignore it. It is time he flows toward my direction, and not vice versa. I am offering distance.

He doesn't read this, so I'm allowed to say. Pity.

May I just once again tell Baby Face Ben Williams to fuck off. I mean that lovingly.

There. You were mentioned. Now send me money and drugs.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire