
we are paid by those who learn by our mistakes.



I've been so neglecting to you savages. I apologise.

Life is very small when your lover is falling asleep behind the wheel and you're confined to the passenger side.

I still don't drive, so I'm constantly a passenger in most of my daily activities. You build entertaining stories with the denizens of a large city, and as time dissolves at the brink of colloquy, things are better put into perspective.

I guess I've missed being here. For almost four straight years, I've put forth an effort of maintaining this site, then, to break the marriage, I met this other LiveJournal sort and began the prison-maid facade with others.

I have more control there, mayhap more than I have in my own life. I can limit who responds to entries, comments are always on, and the page was too simplistic to create, which placates me as my schedule is so fucking busy.

Meetings here, meetings there. My wardrobe is ostensibly "corporate goth", and I wouldn't really have it any other way. Wool blazers, white collars, iced tea, the whole nine.

Kittens, I'm fucking growing up.

And I miss you, on those free hours when I'm not watching VH1 Classics as I'm falling asleep at 11 in the night.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire