
It's a Donnie Darko Moon Tonight


This is My Baby(tm).

Well, here it is.

Fueled By:
Diet Sunkist
Donnie Darko dot com
One pack of cigarettes
An avid love of all things Donnie Darko
Hope's Eye - This is a gorgeous background courtesy of her.
And obsessive-compulsive perfectionism.

I want to know if this looks remotely like it should in your browser.

This was done mostly by hand; CuteHTML utilized solely for the purpose to view code in the browser.

You need this font. It's the Donnie Darko font, and is used primarily in the banner above. Once downloaded, place it: My Computer > C > Windows > Fonts


Normally, I wouldn't succumb to using movie images, and normally I would hate to admit I have jumped on a band-wagon, but this movie and soundtrack mean more to me than a simple movie and a simple soundtrack. I am very much in a place in my life right now where I want to replace all of the useless bullshit with something much better.

I will also be the first to admit I have an obsessive personality regarding all things that I adore shamelessly. This includes but is certainly not limited to:
The word "Lurid"
Sleeping alone
Variously delicious British actors
And Chuck Palahniuk

Let me know how this looks. Let me know if you love it just about as much as I do. It, besides my sonatas, has been my favorite distraction as of late. Also new in the design window is Jubal's site.


Also, does anyone want to make a new guestbook design for me? I'll send you musical compilations. And fresh tea.



time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire