


i love november

It's still my favorite month, as it has been for the past nine years.

Today's update will be terse, listed, and devoid detail, as I'm currently searching to conduct textual alterations.

Things Which Have Been Accomplished via Differing Retarded Fashions:

+. Classy Trash pitch launched. One interested buyer.
+. B.D. Eddie wells logged. Billing cycle closed.
+. Matrix: Revolutions viewed (with one midget and one Asian Adonis). Brusque review: Good and terrible.
+. I wore vinyl pants and a Liz Claiborne turtle-neck.
+. I'm not kidding. I looked like both versions of Trinity, sans short hair and Garconn� boyish figure.
+. Running through fog-lit nights with aforementioned midget and Asian Adonis, post-film.
+. Intense love for Oklahoma's odd transition into the United Kingdom.
+. Equally intense love for the intermeshing of two favored entities: the concept of eternity and silver rings. Result: Eternity Ring Ebay purchase.
+. I now own Deine Lakaien's "Into My Arms" promo release.
+. One angelic, white-gold necklace obtained as a gift, via Asian Adonis.
+. Extreme elation experienced due to material gains.
+. Maintained singledom. Result: Peaceful loneliness.
+. Vacuumed / tidied livingroom, bedroom, and den. Result: Rampant dread of bathroom cleaning.
+. Going to have dinner with Nicole and possibly the Asian.

Be well, dears.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire