


everything in its right place

I can think of several people who've written or thought similarly on this subject; Radiohead just happened to make the aforementioned everything worth it.

My inbox lies tainted by past aspirations that will not be fulfilled. Despite its clarity, there is sadness aimed toward this. I see new memories unfold in disgustingly perfect CGI promises.

I was kidnapped again by the Fearsome Four. Somewhere in that appellation, "severely sexually charged and insane" should be inserted. I forced them to watch Vanilla Sky, a film, upon completion, that always forces me to think. I cannot enjoy anything at surface value, and I can see in the future this becoming a hindrance. I see that Tomorrow Night(tm) is uncertain.

Jason, my musical comrade for life, should be comfortably in Detroit, but he is well missed from these wires.

My future roommate agreed my mouth is coming back to life. I see that he's experiencing design change. In a purely metaphorical sense, he is changing the colors of his box as he sees it now.

Thank you for calling last night.

I am free.

Now it's time to become an adult.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire