
being single



The greatest thing about being a young, single, nimble little minx such as myself in this day and age is the fact my male friends will call and leave messages like this on my voice-mail:

"This might sound kind of odd (I-don't-care-I'm-really-happy-right-now) but I'd really like our minds to make mad, passionate love right now."
"Hey, I called to bullshit with you, but you're not there...jerk."
[Insert Nick Cave and the Badseeds song "Into My Arms" being sung from a pay-phone in Texas here]
"Hey, I just called to tell you I was thinking about you and HOLY CRAP WE'RE TOGETHER."
[Insert new instrumental track written by good male friend here]


I love the boys, oh, verily I do, and all their testosteronic foofaraw, I love the boys.


Oh, my God, I'm spending the early morning with Oasis and Spacehog and Silverchair and Sound Garden and some Parliament Lights 100s. How depressive and pretentious am I? Do you lot remember the 90s? Does anyone really? Are any of you even still fucking reading? Wow, I almost have a flat stomach. Yes, I've been talking to myself for the last twenty someodd years. And if you ever really wanted to know, "Burden in My Hand" is my favorite Sound Garden ditty.

This is why the men love me.

Because I readily admit to liking the 90s. Here, look:

RavieSlave's Wow, I'm In My Twenties! Playlist:

Silverchair - Abuse Me
Spacehog - In the Meantime
Sound Garden - Burden in My Hand
Oasis - Champagne Supernova
Red Hot Chili Peppers - Breaking the Girl
Sound Garden - Spoon Man
Semisonic - Closing Time
Nirvana - Heart-Shaped Box
I Wonder If I'm Going To Regret Doing This...

If you have any 90s alternarock suggestions, just, you know, climb into my box.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire