
she's going dream


dream analysis

Not that I partake of this to a large degree; I have lost my patience for the generalized explanations of what images my subconscious ejaculates, but, I'm at a loss. I keep having multiple moon dreams, and I've researched what moon dreams actually signify.

According to various dream dictionary websites, my lover is cheating on me, I'm exploring a new dimension to my creativity, I'm going to die shortly, women are bitches, there is a divine and mysterious power to my feminine essence (don't fuck with the supremacy of my vagina, buddy, you going DOWN), my career is blossoming, and, jelly doughnuts are awaiting me in the not-too-distant future.

The moon was in full tonight, suspended in a fragile air. Driving back from dinner with my brother caused me to stare at it blankly, occasionally popping a crude joke involving random Tool songs.

I still have no idea what I'm doing with myself, and I've noticed a lot of people are currently experiencing the same crisis. What it means to be a human, a lab rat. Where the fuck am I going.

Ideas are appreciated.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire