



Can I put my hands on you?


I flicked off the HP Pavilion mx 75 monitor and tilted back in the kitchen chair, eyes glazed and closed with fuck-lust. I have Recoil's Bloodline, half a pack of Carnival cigarettes and a desire to spread open every crevice of your equivocal dolor to palpable repose.

I'll set your ribcage ablaze with audacious sex-heat. I'll take your clumsy heap of nonsexual manifestation between my teeth and I'll lend you the words from inside my body.

My frustration exenterates every untainted, innocuous thought, and leaves dirty indentions against my faltering brain patterns.

I want to scream my release into your mouth and bathe myself in our slick pheromones.


Can I put my hands on you?

addendum: slit's not supposed to happen here.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire