
in which ravieslave sings praises to nudity



The greatest thing about this house being mine is the fact I can saunter happily throughout every room naked, and yes, that is exactly what I've been doing sporadically today.

I also fixed dinner naked, organized my soundtrack to my movie I'm currently writing in my head naked, ambivalently cleaned the house naked, and screamed Vast lyrics at full volume to anyone within a forty mile radius. Naked.

The last time I was encountered with this epidermal freedom was quite possibly two and a half years ago, when defiant, rebellious me resided in nipple-burstingly and unapologetically sub-zero-temperatured Duluth, Minnesota. Why anyone would desire ambling nudity in that remote, cryogenic chamber of a US city is now beyond me. I should also mention I was drunk every single night I lived in Minnesota.

I feel it's necessary to include this letter to Jon Crosby of VAST:

Dear Jon Crosby,

Please come home with me and bend my Baroque body over the hammer shank of my upright piano. I desire my breasts pounded against the bass notes of the keyboard in direct response to your rhythm.

Music = sex / Sex = music.




time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire