
when it rains in oklahoma, i only think of your eyes.


just yours

Just yours, always, now.


No poetry. No verbal orgasms. No literary light-sneezes. No little deaths in text. No returned phone calls. I am going to hold what I feel for those who have genuflected out of substance. It's nothing personal. I am inebriated and conflicted. I surmise only "NotePad" could unscramble the inside of me.


Just one, however, just one, I adore. You will never be able to comprehend in mere text. I should enflame your retinas. I swear. It's fucking gorgeous.


I am so livid with you.


How does it feel? How does it taste? When you drop from this earth that is only supporting you, how will it feel?

Fuck you, too. Fuck you.


I am listening to "Clocks". I should have suffocated you with the treble when you came home.


The demo is done. I am working on the second. What do you prefer, babies? E or G? It makes a huge difference.


You always soften me. I want to be everything to you. ||| To answer you ...|||...because you're so ancient, and it seems you constantly strive toward that, an encumbered desire. I hope you find it. I hope I can be there to see it. There's no other way I'd be able to remember. Thinking of you, as usual. Good morning. I'll see you pony-tailed and gorgeous, windows open, on my other side.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire