


it's almost ... midnight

This lay-out is very me. I don't think I would want the distorted images any other way.

I am wrestling with my conscience to open that bag of Cheetos, even though I detest Cheetos. There is something about generic cheesy curl Cheetos that drives straight to my heart, and demands they find a home in my stomach. I won't even try resisting.

Joe lost his contact today, and therefore is now half blind. He was so upset he had to plop himself down onto the computer, glued to 'The Price is Right' website. I discovered today that he didn't ask for insurance this year, so we're fucked. Joe wears a very assured demeanour, even when it comes to something with which he's never accustomed himself. It makes me want to throw my fist directly into that pompous mug.

But that's not the point.

I like my lay-out.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire