
links and shit



My brain currently sounds like guitar distortion when I attempt contemplating anything. I am going to be adding a new feature on this site called "Link of the Day", considering I'm always stumbling upon diaries that kick major ass to me. Or entries that kick major ass to me. I'm sure all 3 of you are thrilled.

It is day 5 of not smoking, although I took a drag yesterday, went ballistic, cried, tore up the pack, threw it away, cried more, ate popcorn, cried. One thing you need to understand about me is the fact I cry 4 times a year, if that. I guess I'm not taking this lack of nicotine thing very well.

Link of the Day:

waterstain.diaryland.com. After having read the entirety of Bethany's archives, I have to say she's one of my new favourites. So droll, so disturbed, so ... something else. You make me laugh and think.

She and goshdarn.diaryland.com need to run away with me.

And Liss, but that goes without saying.

Wait, shit. This guy is also extremely thought-fucking: David.Stevenson.

Argh, fine, LINKS of the day, ok? LINKS.

Zwo drei vier ... !


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire