
intoxicate me


see above

A while ago, my family once inquired why I drank.

With a straight face, I murmured, my voice trilling with adoration, "Because music sounds so much sweeter."
"That is the dumbest thing I've ever heard," was the collective response.

I love the ease, I love the clarity, I love when music effortlessly seethes from the fingers, I love to watch the universe of words falter and then break. I love the landslide. I love indulging memories between the tags. I love the sensories, I love the intensity, I love the milked, creative experiences, I love the frenetic pulse, and I love the pure transience.


I defragmented my harddrive, and it hasn't eliminated the program-freeze. Eventually, that will be surmounted, or I will be shot in the face.

I have become so astoundingly busy the past couple of days that it nearly terrifies me. There is something powerful and tangible coming. The wait is operose. Distractions come and then vanish.

To this impending exultation, I say, bring it on.

Consume me.

Intoxicate me.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire