
the end



No rising and no falling.

I am updating this fairly inebriated, however, she randomly drove by my house and we decided to meet at The Electro Lounge.

And since it's been a while since I've spent the night with blonde(ish) beauties swimming with pallid eyes (i.e. two weeks), she came home with me.


I am going to New York in less than two weeks. Nervous, am I. Yes.


Okay, OKC dears, The Electro Lounge celebrates their 3rd year in existence this Saturday night. Since the bar-tender-cum-one-of-the-owners invited me to the party, I think all of you OKC dears should come with me.


This Saturday night, meet me and several others at The Electro Lounge @ 59th and May, around ten o'clock. If you need directions, just call my cell. If you don't have the new cell number, e-mail me and I shall supply you with the digits. Come one, come all. Come out to kiss me roughly on the mouth. Bring your dolls, as we're going to make a very wild night of it.


As I said in a previous, other-journal entry, it feels great to be drunk during working morning hours.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire