



Long after all have retired to their slumbers, I am still awake.

Long after all have accepted today as their day and retired, I am still awake; this tends to happen from time to time. I am living the Red Hot Chili Peppers lives, as how it was meant to be. I am sure I have few fans to drink my sweat and call themselves 'one of' me. This going by the VH1 Behind the Music experience.

Today was gorge. And topped off by the incredible 'when one talks to ... ' moment. Not enough was said, but I am sure enough was said. I still grasp on the magic that was last Friday, and I want more moments to be as surreal, as soul-inducing. I don't know. I think I just want to sleep, as it is almost five in the morning. I will someday be normal.

Until then, you are left with me. I hope you do not mind.


That is not accurate.

My head is spinning, it is five in the morning, Radiohead are pleading with me to 'come on'.

Holy Roman Empire.

Come on, if you think, you can take us .... on.

My phone bill is sure to suffer, but I think I quite need all of you; you know who you are, my favourites. Okay, so, you know who you are, all three of you.

I will try to explain in words how hard and sickly it feels to be without piano:

ashdakhsd abskd ash asdashdbsjk ask khasdkhasdhk asdhasdsdasda kjhasd kajshdaksjhd

You are not here to feel it, but I know, perhaps, somehow, you must.

You must.

Through a curve in her skin.

Spreading like wings.

Through a curve in her skin.

You must.

I only mean it to be for you.

Even though you've aged, I still feel lost.

Drowning, faint, ideas, until the sharp can pass.



Thank you for your time.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire