
in dreams


here comes the sun, little darlin', here comes the sun

Weening myself off of Effexor is probably one of the most trying things I've done in 29 months. I trust I will be able to give up smoking soon after surmounting this physical addiction. I think I'm just nervous I have 3 pills remaining on expired insurance, considering Joe didn't seem to think we needed it this year. Of course, something much like death will probably happen to both of us.

So far, I adore two songs from Rammstein's -Mutter-. Eventually, it will be purchased, until then, illegally Napstering will have to suffice.

I had a cheesy sex dream involving Duck.

There were other things involved, such as all of my very dead grandparents, and my now-sold childhood home, and I particularly remember waking up in the middle of the night when Joe came to bed, saying 'I'm glad you woke me up, I'm nightmaring.'

It only worked for a few moments until I fell back to the same nightmare.


Not to say sex with Duck is nightmarish.

I do recall a brief moment while poised perfectly in dominating sexual stance that I gleefully uttered something so Frat Boyish as:

"I'm gonna rock your world."

My subconscious apologises, Duck, and in an effort to present my sincere apologies, may I please coordinate a "proper" sex dream for the future.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire