


but first

First, I would like to begin at the end.

I'm taking a respite from recounting my adventures; things are awkwardly skewed in my head, and, things are changing for the...interesting.

While I was in Detroit, I officially recorded my demo. Listening to it now, the 9-track wunderfuck needs to be dumbed down in the speed department. I will be searching for software to help me with this.

I've received a few requests for copies. If you're interested, you can leave me a message here or e-mail me your address. Please be advised that you will not be able to distribute my music sans my permission. It may take me a while to send out copies, as I'm still tweaking the sound. There's no vox recorded. Yes. You're welcome. ;)

Also, if you know of any good software that could help me out in changing the speed, let me know. I need you gear whores panting heavily over my silly, frenetic basslines, danke.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire