
obligatory update


i should be sleeping

However, I can't.

It is Summer, which means everyone is blistering their skin (like me) beneath epidermally traumatizing UV rays, or taking vacations. That aside (and welcome to my brilliant segue), I'm taking a small vacation. So small, in fact, I assume none of you will miss this, seeing as how I take textual respites from my word-fucked domain on a weekly basis.

Really, I cannot think of anything else to succeed my publicly-professed love of Chuck Palahniuk besides this obligatory update.

And no, I'm not going to go stalk him.


Your Auntie wishes you well. I left you all a fifty dollar bill and purchased a new bottle of Crown Royal. The keys are sitting on the dining room table, beneath the gaudy brass chandelier that, darlings, believe me, I had nothing to do with.

Be safe, my dears.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire