
it will be a dark and silly night



As an early Christmas present to myself and my bedroom wall, I just purchased this. I heavily condone the support of all Jin Wicked artworks. I suggest you lot peruse her gallery and purchase something yourselves.


Tomorrow, Demetrius, my crony, is throwing a Halloween party. I will attend dressed as the heavily Glammed(tm) version of Neil Gaiman's Death, a stereotypical costume for me, I know. I considered Delirium, but my fish lives in New York.

Tony has to work tomorrow night, but I am hopeful he will at least stop by, even if just for thirty unceremonious minutes.


Tonight is another round with forty-five perpetual minutes of cardiovascular exercise. I'm falling in love with my shoulder-blades. I'm on strange hours again, but it benefits the more mercurial mentalities I have with my creative endeavors. It is, after all, key to lose one's shit at four in the morning over a Wurlitzer piano.


time & machine

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