
bjork WAS brought by the stork, folks


and the moment just passed you right on by

I instead curled up in an Indian-sands-colored recliner and watched a few episodes from Season Three of Family Guy, which, were sincerely beautiful, in so much that doubling yourself over onto the floor and guffawing into a white-smoke carpet is sincerely beautiful.


Anna has taken to lusting long-haired guys. This happened at approximately three in the afternoon when she furiously text-messaged me to proclaim Dave Gahan's doppelganger was sitting next to her, exuding hot and spicy dragon-eyed invitations. I think she's been spending too much time locked in my sordid fantasies. This, of course, is coming from the same girl who announced over truffle cheesecake at a French bistro five nights ago that the crew-cut, fresh-faced pixie dumplings wiggled their goofy allure into her Victoria Secrets.

Her hormones are evidently throwing a 1970s shag-carpet celebration because one can actually hear the wakka-chikka music when she sways down super-market aisles, and, I was convinced, at one point in my life, I was the Duchess of Tensions Stirred Sexual.


I waited until four-thirty for your return. I'll keep the lights off for you as I trail my lethargic reveries directly into my bedroom and hide them for you under the series of coverlets waiting there. And ... oh wait, hello there.


I wish you could say something remotely inspiring before you go.

Goodnight, kids.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire