
smokeless day 3


day three

Day three of not smoking. The fan above my head goes round and round and my fingers drip, but I keep my mouth busy with sugarless gum, among other things. It's not as difficult as I thought it would be to quit smoking. Light up one for me in celebration.

My brother has somehow managed to get himself a diary without me knowing about it until now. My brother can be found here, among other places in this diary. Go read his strange ramblings.

So I went to the party with Blair and lit a cigarette and looked down, then asked how she was doing, and she mentioned her Cashmere sweater and I began to write like I was in an Ellis novel, all the while Boy George dares me to, in fact, hurt him.

I really need a fucking cigarette.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire