


you make for yourself

The serious drinking commenced on Friday night, where I knocked back After Shock, Tequilla and a shitload of beer, demanding that people entertain me well into the early morning hours. There was a lot of warmth which surfaced this past weekend.

I've made my decision to cut all ties with Jay, although there is one I'm forced to keep. He appears to be moving on fantastically.

The experience was a reality check. I am not controlled by my desires, my lusts, my whims, I am not controlled by the connections I've made to others who crawl to the ends of the earth to sever the connection due to their cowardice.

There are two new people in my life currently laying the mack down something fierce; my response to this will be cold-hearted. They fail to understand I'm looking forward to the solitude.

It's really nothing an AK47 cannot cure.

Expected Date of Arrival as far as my artistic prose shit is concerned: 1 week from today.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire