
six feet under


time for a seven-thirty reality check

I told my girlfriends this diary was akin to J.G. Ballard and a 17-year-old angst-strumpet copulating roughly beneath the metaphor tree.


I want my cell-phone to holler, and I want you to be buried somewhere on the otherside of the fugue-tone. Deliver me aural sex. Stimulate me, but don't deaden the sex-nerves.


Nicotine metalizes my teeth. This is a bad, train-wrecked cigar dream.


Someone ridiculously and gloriously close to me once said, "Never be afraid to ask for what you want." I want the universal want. I want to be licked, crushed, burdened, abjured, worshipped, appreciated and consumed.


A friend of mine proclaimed tonight, while comparing our communication to consuming vast quantities of alcohol, "On the upside, I could drink you in for hours and still see straight."

I was immediately reduced to, "I love that." There were no witty retorts. I simply love that. I hold no aversions, though, to the two of us seated across one another at a Philippine mahogany table, combining cerebrum-stories over hard shots of vodka, and serving musical fetishes on intoxicated platters to the point we go blind.


My love for Massive Attack is matched perfectly to my love for Underworld, however meshing the two won't suffice. "Rising Sun (Underworld Remix)" = "Why are you no longer thinking clearly?"

The epitome of no longer harboring an emotional attachment to someone is when you can subject yourself to a song that almost always invoked memories of them without delivering the hallowed but faded images. I love that.


The Revolution Intermission prevails.


I love it when you become insane; it is the pinnacle of your accessibility.


You've reached the end of your line. The Higher Power grants you one final song to hear before you transcend the human realm. What is that song? Tell me.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire