
a not-so-new new design


back to the basics

This is a template I've used for others' diaries, and decided that, now that I'm heavily utilizing Mozilla on regular bases, I sort of wanted this for my own.
The image was photographed and Photoshopped (albeit poorly) by me. No, I won't explain what it is.

You will need this font, so make with the right-clicking.

The theme is Placebo-inspired, since Placebo played a primordial role in a few of my NYC experiences, and, it's just for personal ennui.

If you fancy and/or abhor or are just relatively "meh" about this lay-out, do tell me here.

I want feedback before I change the guestbook and the older_entries page. Remember, this is more about content than aesthetics, now.

Now, off to consume large quantities of vanilla cappuccino and make out heavily with ghosts.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire