
I never tried to hide my vices.


I have resolved to spend every fucking minute of October of 2003 drunk

I was brushing my infamously black/red/gray hair back from my eyes and ambivalently perusing a Natalie B. catalog when my brother rang my cell half an hour ago.

"Hey," he said. "What are you doing?"

"Flipping through a catalog," I said in monotone.

He laughed and said, "Whew, you are out of control."

I snickered. "What's on your mind?" I questioned.

"I want to get drunk tonight," he stated.

I hesitated. My stomach was fully purified and emptied. All of my insecurities had previously been flushed. My knees were freshly calloused.

"Ok," I said.


Expect the word-filled gamut of emotions. Never say I didn't warn each and every one of you.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire