
just 'cause you feel it doesn't mean it's there


there goes the sun

There is nothing but the computer monitor seething lit pixels across the kitchen tiles. Outside, the blue, opaque effulgence dims by rain-clouds. I see the sun in the distance growing ominous to the lightning. I have the trance-chords of Radiohead's "Sit Down, Stand Up" filling the house, and I crave pizza, and I am freshly shorn.

This is probably only significant to me.

The weather is vaguely tornadic; for a time I obliterated the memory I resided in Oklahoma. When I grow completely insane, I want to be a Storm Chaser just once. Momentary insanity.

I want to sober myself up later tonight on the blatant hope "There There" would pulsate repeatedly from car-speakers that are foreign to me, knowing I don't want to be stuck inside.


Someone remind me to repaint my nails and to archive my March entries.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire