
i love him i love him i love him i love him


lock and load, brides of christ!

I have been brain-deep in Family Guy episodes ever since the purchasing of Season Three on DVD commenced four nights ago, and I have an unusual obsession with all things Seth MacFarlane, the creator of aforementioned, envelope-ripping show. The wondrous thing about Seth MacFarlane is not only the brown eyes - oh no - and not only the brain - Heavens - but that his normal voice is the exact voice of Brian Griffin, the well-educated canine alcoholic.

And so I've been hormonal, and so I've been guffawing mindlessly, and so I've been aroused and simultaneously entertained, and so I've been watching interviews with Seth and thinking, "God, sugar, if I ever meet you in person, my tongue is going straight for your jugular, baby, growl."

Mmm. Dennis Miller spoofs, rampant jabs at Catholicism, Hannah Barbara onomatopoeia, Seth Fucking MacFarlane, it's a frenzy below the waist, kittens, Jesus.


This imbecilic dirt-trollop completely forgot her Precious was in Troy, New York during the weekend, shaking hands with Men in Hats creator and fellow Gen-Yer, Aaron Farber. He said he wanted to surprise me with a signed strip or something akin to that. Despite the fact he shattered the joy of the surprise by, in fact, imparting said sentiment does not annoy me in the very least. In fact, as soon as he brought that to my attention, I was momentarily derailed and taken hostage by doe-eyed Bjork lyrics that simply ran monosyllabic-compassion-roughshod over every dwindling ounce of me.


This time, I'm going to keep me all to myself
But he makes me want to hand myself over

That's about right.

Apologies for the mental retardation, dear. I hope you're grinning.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire