


The last few hours have proven how miniscule I am. I realised how much I lacked in the website department. I need to be out there. I need to be heard. I don't think anyone's reading. This world is ephemeral, gargantuan in its proclivity of self-absorbtion. We are a veneer of sadness and humanity, and we only look at ourselves. Rare and humbling, this moment passes. I have been awake for 12 hours and have ultimately accomplished nothing. I see before me a myriad of talented beings that are undiscovered and I am upset that I haven't been. Supinely I gaze into a wintry face of indolent desires, and I whine that I haven't been. I've been many things. None of them were like this. Small and passive, curling into a womb of unsettling, personal glory. I am very small. I am a riff. I am a breeze. I am tired.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire