



I just vittied perhaps the greatest film known to man.


If you haven't seen this masterpiece yet, rush rush rush to the theatre, plop down that $6.50 and sit yo ass down for 2 hours and 40 minutes, because this film is magnificent.

The graininess added a wonderful aspect to the visual stimulations.
Catherine Zeta-Jones is a hobag in this film.
I love Catherine Zeta-Jones.
I am madly in love, in an artist way, with Benicio del Toro; he is a very dark and unique actor.
This movie is moving. Go. Go now. It made me itch. The second I got to the car my cigarette longing had burst into a withdrawl, it was -that- intense. If you have any level of respect for me, you will see this movie.


That is all.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire