


randomity part 4.5

There are a lot of lesbians on Diaryland.
I am not complaining.
Velveeta Shelves and Cheese is what did my stomach in the other night.
I just ate a big bowl of it tonight.
I am masochistic, but not fully.
I am not a Diaryland gold member.
I should be.
Notoriety shouldn't matter.
It does.
I have realised it's going to take a lot of time and energy to get backstage at a Depeche Mode concert.
This upsets me.
I seem to think I can do anything, and with ease.
All your base are belong to us is NOT funny.
Joe and I argued about Soybean earlier today before he went to work.
He works far too long.
We have decided, again, that we're still going to keep her.
Joe is called JoeBear for a reason.
Never ever ever wake him up before the alarm goes off.
He is one foot, three inches taller than me on a good day.
People look at my photographs and say: 'You look exactly like I thought you would.'
I am going to change my name, probably to something completely ambiguous.
Like Joan.
Joan is a horrible name for me.
My wallet has a sticker on it, and the sticker is an over-zealous smiley face with the word "MAYBE" beneath it.
It is my favourite sticker in the world.
My second favourite is the one I made. It sez: "oppulence is actually spelled 'opulence'."
I blame Shaun for that one.
You have no idea who Shaun is, and that appeases me.
My shampoo rinses out purple.
I am not multi-orgasmic.
I'm not complaining.
Never confuse five-minute crushes or deep loving for your friends as true love.
Frankly, I don't believe in true love.
But I truly love Joe.
I missed The Simpsons.
My Californian siblings do not count.
I think they might agree.
I am the youngest of 5.
I was raised with an only child mentality.
My brother is old.
If you eat your groceries before you get to the check-out counter, you don't have to pay for them.
Brian Haley is from Oklahoma.
My mother wants to see Depeche Mode in concert.
She wants to follow them around all of Texas.
Joe wants to follow them around all of Minnesota, Illinois, and Wisconsin.
I am broke, either way.
The IRS is your friend.
Until you stop paying taxes, regardless of having your pay-check garnished.
Taco John's is expensive.
Chocolate milk is a good thing.
I am lactose intolerant.
Chris reads my diary. Hi, Chris.
Last night, he said I was 'Out there.'
I found it funny since I lead such an insular life.
I am not 'out there', I am 'out-of-touch-with-reality'.
There really is no difference.
I did nothing yesterday.
This entry is over.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire