
no scripts



... and if you click that link, it should take you to her diary.

What kind of computer are you using? If I could make my diary compatible with yours, I would. I have no idea what you use, however. As long as it doesn't interfere with your home computer, I can rest safely knowing that it's not causing you any problems.

Just kidding.

I am going to obsess about this.

Do you run IE or Netscape?

PC or Mac?

Turn off your script thing; it should show my page as normal, without the geek-things going on.

Stupid geek things.

My geek badge is going to be taken away.

Curve is so delicious; I wish their damned webpage, nay, webpage weren't so screwy and flash-obscure. Dean Garcia has magical little fingers. He is not related to Jerry. It is something altogether different and amusing and delicious, as opposed to Cherry, err, Jerry Garcia.

The only good thing that came from Jerry Garcia is really tasty ice-cream.

Nicole Blackman could be considered if she weren't such an asshole.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire