
kom pute her


good mourning.

That's so witty and goth!

I am on the prowl for sexy screen-shots, now that I learned how to do it for the first time last night.
I know.
I know.
I am a late technology bloomer.
I'm glad to have Paint; I think I want Paint Shop Pro 7, though.
Something like that would make me happy.

My computer is jealous sometimes. When I open up a programme that takes all time away from marveling at my flat-screen and my tower, the computer will crash itself so I have to restart it and coo and coo sweet computer nothings into its ear.

Silly computer.

I am going to have a taco salad for lunch. This thought makes me hungrier.

No, computer.

I said NO.

Alright, alright, just this once for today, ok?


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire