



The low-but-adequate diary entry was removed. It was too angry. I try to keep my anger limited to artistic forms of expression, rather than just venting. I do hope you understand.

When I see banners that proclaim 'click me, you know you wanna!', it makes me not want to click them that much more.

The surreality is still commencing. The alarm clock went off today and it reminded me of that buzz in the unreleased, illegal Depeche Mode song 'Dead of Night'.

Joe and I watched 'History of the World part one' last night; it was insane. The redeeming quality about the film was 'stay tuned for sneak-peeks from History of the World part two: See Hitler on ice!'

I don't know if it was that or Jews in Space, but regardless, they were all funny and reeked of Space Balls-dom.

Joe and I were lying in bed afterwards, and he ran his hand down the middle of my back and called my flesh 'crazysoft'. I am happy being crazysoft.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire