



Miasma. A thick exhalation linked to causing disease. "An intrusive miasma of cigarette smoke filled the air." I see myself as ejaculated miasma, rich, founded, brilliantly white, reeking of the chlorox of creativity or perhaps endeavouring to be. One of these days I will be prolific enough to be prolific enough for me.

Diary entries of today can be found here and here

Number one is hung-overly honest and brutal and intimate.
Number two is sweet and succulent and pregnant with female introspection.

My favourite quotes from both:
[1] -- "It's almost impossible to tell how honest anyone is being online and I suppose it generally comes down to how much we want to believe."
[2] -- "I am no one special...I am an ordinary woman with a big pen."

These kinds of introspection haunt me in my sleep. It's easy for me to protest my own, but I can't protest the ones that heighten my own, and make me think that perhaps hiding from them is the most vulgarly obscene thing to do to myself.

Et cetera.

Exhaling poison, inhaling peace.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire