


shape of a cigarette

My mood shifts become strange. The only thing I need is the delicious contradiction of a Menthol cigarette. I would pay someone to clean my duplex, but it would have to be Monopoly money. I don't even think I have that. It would be with cigarettes. I have plenty. A plethora. A myriad. Tons. Box after box of luscious cancer sticks. I would make you a steak, and pay you in cigarettes. You're American, aren't you?


Based on what Best2laylo and Violet- have said in their diaries, the next random ejaculations of text will be inspired by them.

My lust makes my flesh crawl right from my skeletal structure.

I have a Lab retriever.
I have no fireplace.
I am unable to have children.
I live in a 4-roomed duplex.
It is too cosy because Joe has too much shit.
Sometimes, I feel nothing in this place is mine.
I want to spread a blanket down into the spare bedroom, and sleep.
I am going to fetch pillows from the bed-room.
I don't like my new updates.
I wish I had a car.
And a house.
That's all.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire