
the ones and zeros of which i'm comprised.


because all lesbians work security

Interesting tidbits about me:

I'm going to get my degree in Astro Physics.
I'm a musician with impending scholarships.
I'm an alcoholic with schizotypal tendencies and clinical depression; I was wrongly diagnosed as bi-polar.
I'm getting into AA or NA or Obsessive-Compulsive American Orange-Peelers Anonymous.
Blatantly homosexual individuals violently upset me. Yes, she elucidates, while staring at someone's diary banner, I understand you're gay. Congratulations. But don't make it the sole essence of your rampant socialization process. "Hi, nice to meet you, I'm gay." will always be met with, "I don't give a fuck." by me. It's not like I introduce myself to people as bat-shit insane, though I'm quite sure I am, do I?
No. I don't.
I got arrested again last night.
I'm going back to California the third week of August for a while to detox.

And sometimes, time just stops.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire