
the stress of being a dysfunctional geek


you are not my fucking khakis

Unless you are currently folded in my laundry basket. I haven't seen the film Fight Club yet, but this is coming from the same girl who hasn't seen Star Wars I have deleted my DSL rant, considering I contacted Southwestern Bell and was kindly informed I am, in fact, a moron. I handed in my geek badge today. Hmm. Come to think of it, I'm probably not a geek considering I haven't seen Star Wars.
I slept horribly (read: not at all) the past three days or so, and Friday evening, as in 10 hours ago, I collapsed, which was unfortunate because I had spent a good portion of the day looking up an old school friend that I adored with a passion, and once finding him, we made plans to see each other after five years of not seeing one another. He told me to call him back at 4pm, and if he wasn't there, to leave a message. This I did, since he wasn't there. I left a message for him to call me back at a friend's house, and, an hour and a half went by. I began breaking down. I finally had to drag my sorry ass out to the car and return home, giving my friend specific instructions that if he did call back, to hand him my phone number.

I am not so sure if this happened. I collapsed around six-thirty to my bed and awoke at midnight, with one caller ID message from a cell phone whose number I don't recognise. Of course, this call happened at (checks) 11:15PM. So Joseph, if you, by some odd chance, are reading this, I apologise, and may we coordinate another rendezvous in the not-too-distant future.

Finding him made me giddy enough to apply glitter eye-makeup, which is somewhat of a rarity for me in this stage of my cynical, Gen-X life. Perhaps my Summer wasn't shot after all.
It has come to my attention one of the most beautiful Fins on the face of the planet, the luminous Laura, has created a diary here with Diaryland. I met Laura from the Shunt list, and she will eventually marry me, whether she likes it or not. Laura has an odd art with her English, and it appeases me greatly.

On top of Laura coming to diaryland, Ben has returned with two more updates to his diary. I suggest you check them out.

I do believe I've ranted for far too long. Remind me to tell you that Bobby the Crank Addict now knows where I live. I need to hardboil some eggs or I will die. Lights! Camera! Drama!


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire