



I'm sure all 4 of you remember me raving, as me, Raven, tends to do a lot, about Ben and how he should finally cave and accept his fate as well as my wishes to getting a diary.

He did.


Ben can be found right here. So click this link and stop wasting your time reading my drivel.

Oh, and while you're here, have you found me the perfect boy yet? I still need The Boy.

July is officially over today. I hear the frantic sighs of Diaryland's population, which consists of note-passing teenagers strugging through the mundane drama of adolescence. HAPPY SCHOOL YEAR, KIDDOS!

My July consisted of the usual. Hurried evenings of debaucherous, auto-eroticism, gallons of wine and candles, job interviews, probing the psyche of teenaged boys, turning myself inside and out and over upon the same tried vocabulary, and sleeping maybe 17 hours this whole month.

Go read Ben. He is a fuck monster whore face dearheart.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire