
the sun hasn't set



I'm back online after two weeks of familial and SBC Global misery. My mother is recovering slowly. Thank you to everyone who has sent me prayers, good vibes, letters of encouragement, et al. As I said in an e-mail to a group of cronies, if you simply have to have the full story on everything that's happened, please just contact me privately.

It has been a whirlwind. I with my Catholic heart believed I deserved everything which transpired in my minuscule universe. I have subsequently slapped the shit out of myself and taught myself otherwise. Though everything here is chaotic, I can sense it's beginning to calm.

I keep having dreams about insignificant occurrences. It's urging my insanity, however.

I am having a major problem with how public this domain truly is. Though I've not been here lately, my hits have increased. I don't think I want to be under the Diarylandic microscope any longer. I'm not sure what I'm going to do.

I have missed a good portion of you lot, and I hope that something positive is happening for you. Thank you for being here, even if some of you were just aimlessly wandering around in the background.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire