
sleep beckons


now i am really unsatisfied with this

Clawing my way through the suffocating weight of words by blatantly applying more to the mass.

Insertion ensues.

I want to eviscerate you with my freedom; this tightening ball-and-chain Chuck Palahniuk vernacular stifles any semblance of victory I previously beheld. I really wish you would stop calling for me.


"Everywhen" backwards. I take muffled synth wailings and reverse them to beckon afflation, and I finally discover it in the form of weekend e-mails hiding in my inbox. I want to chew my fingernails over your volume of words, and lay my head down, and dream over the Black Forest, carrying them with me.


I am going to take back those nine lives and spoon-feed you the experience.


I could projectile vomit all over your pretension and watch it slide to the floor.


I hope you lot have deciphered "you" = "many".


Bye, Davey.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire