


lemme show you how strong nature is

I'm having milk-fueled religious experiences coming off drugs.
I love Meeting Minds and John Beltran.
my fingernails are growing rapidly.
My hair at this length makes me look like a she-lion.
I'm watching the hours drain while my eyes blear to light-blue java-scripted web-pages.
I see a sign proclaiming "GOLD!"
I've had way too much milk tonight.
I smell like vanilla and lavender and denim.
Orlando Bloom made a GAP commercial that almost upsets me.
Sam's keys are in front of me, his car in the driveway, my antsiness will get the best of me.

Temptation makes sense when holding my eyes open becomes an arduous task. No word from credit card company as of yet. I want the card with the sandy golden beaches on it, since I long for California days again.
My dream consisted of floating and English town-houses and something possibly about candy canes.

EMI bought Mute records for 23 million. Daniel Miller will still be in control, but it will no longer be Mute records. It will be EMI-That-Bought-Mute-for-23-Million-Since-It-Appears-Miller-Sold-Out-And-What's-This-About-A-Band-Called-Recoil Records.

I'm terribly depressed about the Mute situation. I want an issued statement from Miller himself explaining why he made the decision, making sure he completely obliterates professional speak in his delivery. I want to hear pure and blatant "well, fuck mate, 23 mil's not half bad, eh?" responses, and nothing of this "for the benefit of the company ..." tripe.

I find that I consume more milk when I'm stressed.

Fucking EMI.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire