
do you realize that you have the most beautiful face


my head feels as though it's floating in space

Today, I filled out an application at Integris, took a typing test, was driven aimlessly for hours, discovered Capital One inexplicably closed off my credit account, convinced a waiter at Souper Salad he belonged on my divan merely to greet guests with all-encompassing smiles, showered twice, consoled Terri, lambasted the Japanese (a la Empire of the Sun), shook the remnants of a hang-over from my spine, dreamed hotly, awoke wetly, prepared myself for the follow-up appointment with my reproductive endocrinologist, and avowed to succumb to laundry.

I am seated in Terri's gargantuan office at three in the morning, head bowed to the Compaq keyboard, body comfortably settled in scrubs. I crave nicotine.

There is no inspiration here, anymore, so I am taking my bones to the floor to sleep.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire