
happy birthday


it must be soon

In exactly two weeks, it will be my birthday; this scares me shitless. I am getting older. It's much better, though, than listening to my friends who are either (a) close to 30 or (b) already 30 and fret about a semi-midlife crisis. ;)

Transformation is quick upon the heels of my two-inch Steve Madden shoes. To cope with this, I am listening to Bone Thugs and Harmony's "Thuggish Ruggish Bone", because I am one of those people. The change is immense, there's an element of fear I hope to banish while simultaneously thrusting myself back into the real world.

But I'm perusing Hardy's and Kristina's diaries, which then tempted stifled memories to burst toward the surface. I remember the days when my own bed made no sense. I remember the days viewing the world differently. I remember how everything shimmered with a dull luster once I broke contact with someone.

I do not miss those days, however, it's simple reflection. I'm getting older and am now almost complete in my own skin.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire