
send love to mother.


i cheated

Via my livejournal account, I said every entry for the next week will contain nothing but one word. And, if others truly wanted to know, I would elucidate via quoting a passage from a book, but, not just any passage, a truly laconic passage.


These are my last days of Oklahoma City, staring at flashing lights and the flesh of those turning to the beat, attempting to hold all of them in my memory, grabbing hands who all dance alone. Mayhap I'm sick of dancing alone. Mayhap I require something that twists my silly paradigm.

I left my scarf with Brian and said, "Maybe I'll come home for it."


Though I don't know all of you, rest assured I've spent many a writer's minute memorizing the way you nervously touch your left-hand ring finger to your mouths.

I hold no reason to, but, I'm going to miss you. Always remember you will never be alone in your search for something substantial. You're a gem; you are gorgeous. Breathe deeply, baby, because it never gets easier.


Goodnight, social Oklahoma.


time & machine

in ;; a ;; world ;; of ;; wire